What WE DO

The Municipal Housing Agency (MHA) was created in 1968 to serve as the public housing authority within the city limits of Council Bluffs. MHA currently assists families and individuals who are disabled, near-elderly, elderly or low-income. Regal Towers and Dudley Court provide 295 units of public housing and our Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program provides 697 vouchers.

Board of ComMissioners

The Municipal Housing Agency Board of Commissioners are Nominated by mayor of Council Bluffs and officially reviewed and appointed by the City Council. The board is comprised of five board members who serve staggered two-year terms. Meetings are held the third wednesday of every month at our HCV Office and via Zoom.

Brett Ryan, Chair Person

Paula Hazlewood, Vice Chair Person

David Nelson, Board Commissioner

Bailey McQueen-Jones, Board Commissioner

Denise Parker, Board Commissioner