The Housing Authority provides tools to support landlords involved in Public Housing. HAPCheck™ and Direct Deposit give you the convenience of verifying and receiving rent payments without cash or physical checks.

Rent collection tools for landlords


    The Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs offers participating area landlords with tenants receiving Section 8 Rental Assistance the convenience of HAPCheck ™ for their Housing Assistance Program payments.

    This secure online system lets landlords verify that the correct HAP payments have been deposited into their bank account. The easy-to-use site allows you to review payments any time, any place dating back to as long as 18 months ago.

  • Direct Depost

    Landlords can receive rent payment from tenants deposited directly into their account without the need for physical checks.

    Landlords with tenants who receive Section 8 Rental Assistance can use this online system to securely receive rent with ACH payments.



No documents at this moment.



How does the voucher program work? 

Families receiving voucher assistance pay a portion of their rent that is based on their income. MHA pays the remained. Both MHA and the family receiving assistance pay you their portion of the rent directly.

How much rent can I charge?

Units housing families receiving voucher assistance must meet annual Fair Market Rent Payment Standards established by HUD and MHA based.

I am interested in making my unit available to families receiving voucher assistance, where do I start? 

Give us a call at 712.322.6931 or email us at

Does my rental meet the program quality standards?

To learn about required Housing Quality Standards, visit HUD.GOV

How often are units inspected?

All new units must pass an initial inspection prior to the tenant moving in. Units are then inspected annually. Other inspections may occur in the interim based on tenant complaints or quality control requirements. For more information on inspections please see chapter 7 of our HCV Program Administrative Plan.

How long do I have to make repairs?

Repairs of non-life-threatening issues must be made within 30 days of an inspection. Life-threatening issues must be repaired within 24 hours of an inspection.

How will I be paid?

Housing Assistance Payments are made through direct deposit to the account of your choosing

Will MHA help inform potential tenants about my available unit(s)?

Yes, we are happy to provide newly assisted or moving families with information about any available units